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The Dancing Trees

I was scrolling through facebook yesterday and noticed a family members post. She was presenting a dialogue between her and her small daughter. "Mommy, why are the trees dancing?" It was an unusually windy day here in the south. The mom responded "Because they are happy". The mom then went on to say how these little comments by her daughter made her so happy and put a smile on her face. The dancing trees. What would happen if we just went through life swaying in the wind? The fluid movement between are limps, hair, skin. Literally just moving the way the universe intended us to move. To not resist our natural state. Children get it, their minds have not been convoluted with the every day life yet. We could learn a lot from children. What her daughter saw was a tree who seemed to be having fun dancing; what we see is simply just the wind blowing so hard that it could possibly break the branches of the trees. When do we change? Why do we allow life to change our way of thinking? It's a defense mechanism, to protect ourselves from the potentially negative things to come in life. This defense thinking wears us down. Our smiles start to become a neutral face. Not happy, not sad, just there...the countless task running through out minds throughout the day. Stop at the grocery store, what do I make for dinner, oh I forgot to pick up Suzzies costume, need to carve a pumpkin, oh no I forgot to email Jess back about the carnival, what time am I suppose to be there again? And on and on, the task just run through our minds like a printer printing out countless pages of unnecessary text. I challenge you, and myself, to watch the trees dancing for a minute. Try not to think of anything else but how those trees are swaying in the wind.

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