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Happiness comes in teaspoon sizes

Anytime I hear teaspoon, I automatically think cooking or medication (I'm a nurse so it's pretty natural for me to have that kind of brain). But why is it easier for some to achieve happiness and others...well it takes time, effort and let's be honest, a lot of patience. I mean, what is happiness? The Webster dictionary says that it is the state of being happy. OKAY...DUH? I'm looking for a solid answer. Like a one size fits all type of answer. Like tell me what I need to do to achieve this state of happiness!

I'm 35 years old (I know, I'm no spring chicken) but I sometimes forget that I'm actually closer to 40 than 20 now. Not like I'm trying to keep up with someone in their 20's..well maybe. Happiness came to me one day in a teaspoon size. I thought this state of happiness would be like a 4 course meal, it just keeps coming. But in reality, it came in very small doses. I didn't even realize it was happening because I was too busy looking for the 4 course meal. The doses kept coming and I just looked past. Something must be better than this, right? Something must make me happier, right? This cannot be what my happiness is, right? Wrong. Y'all I was so wrong. I overlooked doses of happiness for years on end. Just looking for a huge dose that ultimately would be my state of happiness.

How do you see happiness? Do you have it figured out? Did you see the small doses and just kept accepting them?

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